Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII Worksheet 2.2

Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII Worksheet 2.2 – Sobat, pada kesempatan ini akan disajikan pembahasan soal “Worksheet 2.2”. Pembahasan soal ini diambil dari materi yang terdapat pada buku English for Nusantara untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Berikut adalah pembahasan soal selengkapnya, mari kita simak bersama. Selamat membaca !

Bahasa Inggris, dengan berbagai struktur dan aturan gramatika, memberikan tantangan dan keunikan tersendiri. Salah satu aspek penting yang perlu dikuasai adalah “past form” atau bentuk lampau dari verbs. “Bentuk lampau” dari verbs mencakup peristiwa atau tindakan yang telah terjadi di masa lalu. Pemahaman yang kuat terhadap “past form” memungkinkan siswa untuk mengekspresikan pengalaman lampau, menceritakan kisah, atau berbicara tentang kejadian yang sudah berlalu. Dengan menguasai “past form,” seseorang dapat lebih fleksibel dalam berkomunikasi dalam berbagai konteks.

Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII Worksheet 2.2 Halaman 74

Listen again to Audio 2.2 and read the story. Circle the correct underlined verbs Worksheet 2.1. See the Word Box.

Word Box

begin (base form)/began (past form): mulai

hatch (base form)/hatched (past form): menetas

shake (base form)/shook (past form): menggoyangkan

wait (base form)/waited (past form): menunggu

wobble (base form)/wobbled (past form): berjalan gemetar dan tidak stabil

wings: sayap

shy: malu-malu

warm: hangat

gracefully: dengan anggunnya

once upon a time: pada suatu hari

at last: akhirnya

Baca Juga : Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII Worksheet 2.1

Once upon a time on a big farm, a Mother Duck sit/sat on her nest. She had to keep her six eggs warm until they hatched/hatch.At last, the eggs begin/began to crack. One by one, ive yellow ducklings came/come out of the eggs. They shake/shook their wings and said, “Quack, quack”. Then, they walked/walk gracefully.
“Look at all of you!” say/said Mother Duck with joy. “You are all so cute!”


She count/counted one, two, three, four, ive. “Oh, dear! I should have six ducklings!” Mother Duck is/was worried.
But one large egg was still in the nest. It was/is a little stubborn. So, Mother Duck sat/sit on her nest again and wait/waited some more.The next day, the big egg crack/ cracked open. A shy duckling come/came out. He was not yellow! He was gray and bigger than others. But he was weak and it walk/walked with a funny wobble.

Worksheet 2.2

Baca Juga : Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII Worksheet 1.16

Jawaban :

1. Once upon a time on a big farm, a Mother Duck (sat) on her nest. She had to keep her six eggs warm until they (hatched).

2. At last, the eggs (began) to crack. One by one, five yellow ducklings (came) out of the eggs. They (shook) their wings and said, “Quack, quack.” Then, they (walked) gracefully.

3. “Look at all of you!” (said) Mother Duck with joy. “You are all so cute!”

4. She (counted) one, two, three, four, ive. “Oh, dear! I should have six ducklings!” Mother Duck (was) worried.

5. But one large egg was still in the nest. It (was) a little stubborn. So, Mother Duck (sat) on her nest again and (waited) some more.

6. The next day, the big egg (cracked) open. A shy duckling  (came) out. He was not yellow! He was gray and bigger than others. But he was weak and it (walked) with a funny wobble.


Itulah pembahasan soal yang dapat disajikan pembahasan soal “Worksheet 2.2” yang terdapat pada buku English for Nusantara untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Semoga dengan penyajian jawaban ini dapat bermanfaat dan membantu dalam belajar. Selamat belajar !

Baca Juga : Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII Worksheet 1.16

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