Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Worksheet 3.12

Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Worksheet 3.12 – Sobat, pada kesempatan ini akan disajikan pembahasan soal “Worksheet 3.12”. Pembahasan soal ini diambil dari materi yang terdapat pada buku English for Nusantara untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX. Berikut adalah pembahasan soal selengkapnya, mari kita simak bersama. Selamat membaca !

Salah satu metode efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris adalah melalui latihan soal, di mana seseorang diminta untuk menilai kebenaran atau ketidakbenaran suatu pernyataan.

Latihan soal dengan metode “Lingkari T jika Pernyataan Benar atau F jika Pernyataan Salah” dapat menjadi alat yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. Dengan fokus pada pemahaman tatabahasa, pengembangan kosakata, peningkatan kemampuan membaca, dan penumbuhan keterampilan kritis, latihan semacam ini tidak hanya membantu memperbaiki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, tetapi juga membangun keterampilan berpikir secara umum.

Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Worksheet 3.12 Halaman 174

Read the story of Time Travel Car (Part 2) and then state/decide whether the following statements are true or false.

When Monita opened her eyes, the car stopped. She looked outside the windshield. It was a bright sunny day. “Where am I?,” she thought. She got out of the car and realized

Baca Juga : Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Worksheet 3.2

that she was in a warehouse. Monita then walked outside the warehouse. She saw an old man sitting in front of a house, reading a newspaper. “Excuse me, what place is this?” asked Monita.

“You are in Banjarmasin,” said the man with a newspaper in his hand.

“Do you know SMP Merdeka?

Would you tell me how to get there?

My house is near the school,” said Monita.

“SMP Merdeka? There is no SMP Merdeka here.”

“This is Banjarmasin, isn’t it?”

“Yes. This is Banjarmasin but there is no SMP Merdeka here.”

“Is that new newspaper? May I borrow it? What date is it today?”

asked Monita.

“Today is the irst of May 1990.”

“No. I must be dreaming,” Monita read the date in the newspaper. Monita then read the headline in the newspaper. The title was “A Professor from Banjarmasin Discovered A Time Travel Machine”.

“Where can I buy this newspaper?”

“You can have it. I have read all the news.”

“Thank you.”

Baca Juga : Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Worksheet 3.1

In the newspaper, Monita saw a picture of a car that looked exactly like what she was riding. Next to the car, there was a picture of a professor. His name was Prof. Mahmud. He was a lecturer in Science State University. The newspaper said that he was an

expert in electrical engineering. “I must see this man,” said Monita to herself. “Sir, how do I get to Science State University?”

“Just go straight down this street, turn left. The university is on Pemuda street. It is a tall building. You will ind it easily”

After Monita walked for about 2 kilometers, she arrived at Science State University. She asked the security oicer how to meet Prof. Mahmud. It was hard to convince the security oicer that she came from the year 2022.

“Do you want to meet the professor?”

“Yes. Let me see him please.”

“Say it again. You are from the future, and you want to meet the professor?”

“Yes. Let me see him, please.”

“I’m sorry, but you cannot see him now. Go home.”


Baca Juga : Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Progress Check 1 – Text 3

Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.

1. Monita was in SMP Merdeka when she opened her eyes.

2. Monita met Prof. Mahmud in front of the warehouse.

3. Prof. Mahmud invented the time travel machine.

4. Prof. Mahmud was an expert in electrical engineering.

5. The security oicer believed that Monita was

from the future.

Worksheet 3.12

Baca Juga : Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Progress Check 1 – Text 2

Jawaban :

1. False

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. False


Itulah pembahasan soal yang dapat disajikan pembahasan soal “Worksheet 3.12” yang terdapat pada buku English for Nusantara untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX. Semoga dengan penyajian jawaban ini dapat bermanfaat dan membantu dalam belajar. Selamat belajar !

Baca Juga : Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Progress Check 1 – Text 1

Disclaimer : Pembahasan mengenai jawaban di atas merupakan panduan yang dapat digunakan dalam belajar, bukan jawaban yang mutlak akan tetapi bersifat terbuka dan masih dapat dikembangkan.

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