Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Worksheet 3.15

Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Worksheet 3.15 – Sobat, pada kesempatan ini akan disajikan pembahasan soal “Worksheet 3.15”. Pembahasan soal ini diambil dari materi yang terdapat pada buku English for Nusantara untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX. Berikut adalah pembahasan soal selengkapnya, mari kita simak bersama. Selamat membaca !

Salah satu metode efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris adalah dengan mengerjakan soal jawab berdasarkan cerita. Metode ini tidak hanya memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang kosakata dan tata bahasa, tetapi juga memperkaya kemampuan komunikasi dan pemahaman konteks.

Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Worksheet 3.15 Halaman 178

Read the story of Time Travel Car (Part 3) to answer the questions that follow.

Because Monita was causing a ruckus, she was put in the security office. The security oicer asked Monita to sit on a chair. He then asked a few questions to Monita.

The security oicer asked Monita where she lived. “I live in Banjarmasin. My house is not far from SMP Merdeka,” answered Monita.

“There is no SMP Merdeka here,” replied the officer.

“That’s because SMP Merdeka was established in 2014.”

“That’s impossible. This is 1992!” said the officer

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But the security oicer smiled. Maybe he thought Monita was crazy. After that he asked Monita whether she wanted some water or not. Monita shook her head. She said that she just wanted to meet the professor. The security oicer then asked Monita where her parents lived. Monita said that she did not know where her parents lived in 1992.

The security officer then asked Monita why she wanted to meet the professor.

“I want to know how to get back to 2022.”

The security officer smiled again. He then asked Monita how she could get to 1992.

Just before Monita started to tell the security oicer about the time travel car, she saw Professor Mahmud outside the security office.

“Prof. Mahmud!” shouted Monita. She ran outside the security office and stood in front of Prof. Mahmud.

“Are you Prof. Mahmud?” asked Monita.

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1. Why did the security officer put Monita inside the security office?

2. When was SMP Merdeka established?

3. What did the security officer offer to Monita?

4. Did Monita know where her parents lived in 1992?

5. What would you feel if you traveled to the past and did not know how to go back to the future?

Worksheet 3.15

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Jawaban :

1. Because Monita was causing a ruckus.

2. SMP Merdeka was established in 2014.

3. Some water.

4. No she did not.

5. I would feel sad.


Itulah pembahasan soal yang dapat disajikan pembahasan soal “Worksheet 3.15” yang terdapat pada buku English for Nusantara untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX. Semoga dengan penyajian jawaban ini dapat bermanfaat dan membantu dalam belajar. Selamat belajar !

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Disclaimer : Pembahasan mengenai jawaban di atas merupakan panduan yang dapat digunakan dalam belajar, bukan jawaban yang mutlak akan tetapi bersifat terbuka dan masih dapat dikembangkan.

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